AFM Local 6, 2015 Labor Day Picnic on Lake Elizabeth , Fremont. CA
September 7, 2015 marked the 5th anniversary for the American Federation of Musicians Union Local 6 to host its annual Labor Day picnic. Held on scenic Lake Elizabeth at Central Park in Fremont, CA, this picnic is always anticipated as a time to reconnect with our fellow musicians as well as an opportunity to meet new members of AFM Local 6.
We could NOT have asked for a better day.

David Sprung and Rufus Olivier (Photo: Mark Drury)

Debbie Bellamy-Reyes with Local 6 picnic organizer Carole Klein, Debbie Dare, Joe Gold, and Gail Edwards. (Photo credit Lorena Bennett)
Admittedly, it was a hot, 97° F September afternoon in Fremont.
Yet, thanks to the beautiful willow trees, the invitingly cool lake, and the presence of our even cooler Bay Area music colleagues, the day could not have been more perfect.
Incidentally, the members of AFM Local 6 represent a relatively large geographical area within Northern California. This area includes all of San Francisco, Alameda, Marin, San Mateo, Santa Clara, Santa Cruz, San Benito, and Monterey Counties.
But…you can’t have a picnic without the food and…beer!

Jon Lancelle and Shinji Eshima at the grill (Photo credit: Lorena Bennett)
Thank you to our grill team: Steve D’Amico, Mark Drury, Shinji Eshima, Jon Lancelle, and Dave Schoenbrun, who managed to whip up something for even the most discerning of tastes.
Also, thank you to Erin Vang for never failing to bring a great beer selection. This year, to mark the fifth anniversary of the Local 6 Labor Day picnic, Erin brought back one of our inaugural beers, Moose Drool Brown Ale from Big Sky Brewing Co. in Missoula, Montana, Trumer Pils from Berkeley, CA and a local Pilsner, the Pils from Lagunitas Brewing Co. in Petaluma, CA.
One highlight of the annual Musicians’ Local 6 Labor Day Picnic is the raffle.

AFM Local 6 picnic organizer Carole Klein (in the hat) reviews the raffle prizes. (Photo: Mark Drury)

AFM Local 6 President, David Schoenbrun, calls out the winners.
Proceeds from the raffle are used to fund the AFM Local 6 picnic for the following year.
This year’s long list of prizes ranged from tickets to the San Francisco Ballet or San Francisco Opera to golf lessons, six hours of recording studio time, body work, and even beautiful artwork by SF Bay Area artist and violist, Patrick Kroboth.
Some of the other generously donated prizes included a one-hour Alexander Technique lesson offered by flute player Amy Likar and four cases of Anchor Steam Beer provided by trumpet player David Burkhart.
Our grand prize winner (the recipient of FREE Local 6 dues for one year) was violinist Eddie Fong from the Santa Rosa Symphony.
Congratulations to Grand Prize Winner — Eddie Fong!

Eddie Fong, violinist with Santa Rosa Symphony and grand prize winner of FREE Local 6 dues for one year
As a final, important, note:
Hardly a day goes by that we are not reminded of our appreciation for AFM Local 6.
Here’s a perfect example:

Bill Klingelhoffer
Horn player Bill Klingelhoffer found an ideal location near the AFM Labor Day picnic area to drop off his wife, cellist Jill Brindel. Unfortunately, the police officer on duty was less impressed with Bill’s chivalry and more focused on his car, which was sitting in a no-parking zone.
Needless to say, Bill’s charm wasn’t enough to persuade the police officer to let him off the hook. Not one to go down easily, however, as the officer filled out the citation—Bill said, “I just want you to know that, if not for AFM Local 6, I couldn’t even afford to pay this $60 ticket!!”
So there you have it.
Yet ANOTHER reason to appreciate being a member of AFM Local 6.
Thank you all again, and hope to see you next year!!
Thank you to the Local 6 Picnic Committee and to everyone who donated their valuable time, energy, and incredible raffle prizes for this special event. Special credit goes to Carole Klein for organizing the 2015 Labor Day picnic.
More Photos form the AFM Local 6 2015 Labor Day Picnic
- Bill Everett and Aileen Chanco with Mark and Patty Drury, AFM Local 6, Labor Day Picnic
- Local 6 AFM Picnic (Photo: Mark Drury)
- AFM Local 6 Picnic (Photo: Mark Drury)
- David Schoenbrun and Eddie Fong (Photo: Mark Drury)
- Percussionists Ward Spangler and Don Baker (Photo: Mark Drury)
- Ward Spangler, Jon Lancelle and Shinji Eshima (Photo: Mark Drury)
- Local 6 2015 Labor Day Picnic
Note: The pause button and arrows that appear as you hover over the above frame allow you to search and pause the images.)
(Photos: Mark Drury and Steven D’Amico)
About the AFM Musicians Union Local 6
The Musicians Union Local 6 is a labor union for professional musicians. Our goal is to improve the economic status, social position and general welfare of our members. We serve the following Bay Area locations: Includes all of San Francisco, Alameda, Marin, San Mateo, Santa Clara, Santa Cruz, San Benito, and Monterey Counties.
Membership is open to all musicians and vocalists who work part-time or full-time in pop, rock, country, jazz, classical, folk or other areas of music making. We are affiliated with the American Federation of Musicians of the United States and Canada (AFM). If you are outside of our jurisdiction and would like to find the local in your area, visit the AFM National Website.
On Facebook – https://www.facebook.com/afmlocal6
Official Website – https://afm6.org